Resources to Support the Patient Pathway
Patient Follow Up
Patient follow up and monitoring takes place in three general phases: therapy initiation, therapy optimization and long-term follow up
1. Therapy Initiation Visit – 4 to 6 weeks following device implant
Patients are seen in clinic for therapy initiation. During this 1-hour visit, the remedē® device information will be analyzed and parameters customized to fit the patient’s tolerability and sleeping patterns. The remedē device will begin working that evening at the programmed sleeping start time, once it detects that the patient is in the sleeping. posture and not moving.
2. Therapy Optimization Visits
Therapy optimization visits of approximately 30-45 minutes will be scheduled every 6 to 12 weeks to allow for device assessment and programming changes to obtain optimal therapy for each individual patient. Patients typically require 2-to-3 follow up visits to achieve optimal therapy settings.
3. Long Term Follow Up
Once therapy is optimized, clinic visits of 15-20 minutes should occur every 3 to 6 months to review the patient’s subjective information, device data, and battery status.
The Patient Follow Up and Therapy Optimization Guide provides detailed visit instructions for each phase of the follow up. Contact your local ZOLL team for a copy.
remedē® Device Optimization and Follow Up Pathway
Resources for the remedē device optimization and follow up visits
Download the remedē follow up visit check list
Download the remedē Reports Overview
Watch the remedē Reports overview video
Watch the routine follow-up training for remedē patients video